| El Gara Oasis


El Gara Oasis: Step Back In Time

starting from XXX per person

A captivating day trip to one of the most remote societies in Egypt. Explore the old fortress (Shali) and take a dip in one of the Roman springs, while lunch is being prepared under the palm trees.

1-12 People
Start 8:30 am | End 18.30
All transfers included
Private Guide
Entrance tickets & permissions
Water & small consumptions
Mentioned Meals
24/7 Assistance
Tip: Wear modest clothing

October – April

CET + 1

Cairo (CAI) – Alexandria (HBE)




1 | Arrival to local town hall 

2 | Shali Fortress & historical tombs

3 | Giant Mushroom

4 | Crying mountain

5 | Lunch in palm trees garden

6 | Hot and cold natural and ancient springs 

7 | Drive to Siwa


Located around 150 km east of Siwa, we find one of the smallest oases of Egypt; El Gara. Due to its remote location, there is still no mobile network, making a visit to this isolated desert island a true step back in time. With our local guide, we start our drive early in the morning, passing various desert landscapes along Siwa’s mountain range. After approximately 1,5 hrs, we start distinguishing the lush green gardens in the middle of a vast arid landscape.

As the local tradition of the oasis dictates, we start our tour with a visit to the town hall, greeting the local Sheikh (tribal leader), while children bring handicrafts for sale, made by their mothers. We start our adventure in Shali, just as in Siwa, this fortress was once home to the entire community. We visit the grave of the famous Sufi leader Sidi Yaga, beautifully decorated with ostrich eggs. After visiting the ‘Giant Mushroom’ and the ‘Crying Mountain’ a delicious lunch is prepared for you under the palm trees in one of the local gardens. In the meantime, you can take a plunge in one of the fresh natural water springs, still dating from the time of the Romans.

Our last stop will be at the famous pyramid-shaped warm water wells. Water comes out to the surface from around 1000 mts of depth, almost at boiling temperatures. Enjoy this natural spa in a local garden where the natural water is perfect to relax and enjoy the serenity of this hidden gem. On our way back, with a cup of hot Bedouin tea, we admire the beautiful sunset before continuing our road back to Siwa.


  • Tip: Consider making a donation to the local school for the children.

  • Dress modestly and comfortably: Wear modest lightweight breathable clothing. Siwa has a conservative culture, wear clothes that cover your shoulders and knees. Wear comfortable shoes are suitable for walking. Don’t forget your swimsuit, sunglasses, sunscreen and mosquito repellent.

  • Bring personal essentials: Your camera or smartphone, power bank and special care items.

  • Carry cash: While some places may accept cards, it’s advisable to carry cash, especially in local shops and markets.

  • Respect the environment and local culture: Siwa Oasis is a place of natural beauty and cultural significance. Please respect local customs.

  • Stay hydrated: The desert climate can be hot and dry, so remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day.

  • Be mindful of your surroundings: Siwa is a natural oasis with delicate ecosystems. Avoid disturbing wildlife, or collecting too many fossils or antiquities.