| siwa west


Siwa West: A Journey to the unknown

starting from XXX per person

Did you know the West of Siwa is home to the Bedouins? A group of people with a different language / culture and traditions, than the Siwan population. Travel beyond, and explore the mysteries.

1-12 People
Start 12:30 pm | End 20.30
All transfers included
Private Guide
Entrance tickets
Water & small consumptions
Mentioned Meals
24/7 Assistance
Tip: Wear modest clothing

September – May

CET + 1

Cairo (CAI) – Alexandria (HBE)



1 | Eco-lodge

2 | Doric Temple

3 | Balad el Rum

4 | Bahei ElDin

5 | Footsteps

6 | Sunset by te lake

7 | Dinner & hotspring (optional)


The West of Siwa is originally the home of the Bedouins, with their own culture and traditions. This area has its own character. Its phenomenal landscape gives an experience to connect with unspoiled natre.

Our first stop brings us to one Egypt’s most famous and award-wining Eco-lodges, where we have time to explore. We continue to the nearby remains of the once important Doric Temple, where some scholars suggest that Alexander the Great was burried. We then head to Balad el Rum ‘Land of the Romans’, a large necropolis where hunderds of tombs are carved out in the mountain. A single anciet mudbrick wall at this spot, is all that remains of the possible arrival of Christianity in the aera. Eventually we arrive at the most Westernly located desert village of Eypt: Bahei elDin. The view of magnificent rock formation, a pristine lake and the vast desert, is breathtaing. On the op of Ziga Mountain, we find what are believed to be prehistoric footprints.

We continue our journey through this surreal landscape to catch the sunset by the lake and spot migrating flamingos. While the campfile is lit,  local Bedouins prepare Abu Mardam, a delicious dinner in the traditional way, cooking meat and vegetables in the sand. 


  • Dress modestly and comfortably: Wear modest lightweight breathable clothing. Siwa has a conservative culture, wear clothes that cover your shoulders and knees. Wear comfortable shoes are suitable for walking. Don’t forget your swimsuit, sunglasses, sunscreen and mosquito repellent.
  • Bring personal essentials: Your camera or smartphone, power bank and special care items.
  • Carry cash: While some places may accept cards, it’s advisable to carry cash, especially in local shops and markets.
  • Respect the environment and local culture: Siwa Oasis is a place of natural beauty and cultural significance. Please respect local customs.
  • Stay hydrated: The desert climate can be hot and dry, so remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Be mindful of your surroundings: Siwa is a natural oasis with delicate ecosystems. Avoid disturbing wildlife, or collecting too many fossils or antiquities.